
Aprender a hablar tuvo que haber sido una experiencia trascendental para cada persona en sus inicios.

Aprender a comunicarse, a interactuar, a encontrar y sobre todo a aprovechar las distintas posibilidades que nos ofrece la tecnología, es algo a lo que ahora me estoy
abriendo,esperando que resulte tan apasionante como tuvo que haber sido el proceso de aprender a hablar...

Independientemente a eso, tal vez, solo tal vez, lo que a mi me parece interesante, a vos tambien...

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008

Imparable Obama

Unstoppable Obama
Posted February 14, 2008 01:27 PM (EST)
When did you begin to think that Obama might be unstoppable? Was it when your grown feminist daughter started weeping inconsolably over his defeat in New Hampshire? Or was it when he triumphed in Virginia, a state still littered with Confederate monuments and memorabilia? For me, it was on Tuesday night when two Republican Virginians in a row called C-SPAN radio to report that they'd just voted for Ron Paul, but, in the general election, would vote for... Obama.

In the dominant campaign narrative, his appeal is mysterious and irrational: He's a "rock star," all flash and no substance, tending dangerously, according to the New York Times' Paul Krugman, to a "cult of personality." At best, he's seen as another vague Reagan-esque avatar of Hallmarkian sentiments like optimism and hope. While Clinton, the designated valedictorian, reaches out for the ego and super-ego, he supposedly goes for the id. She might as well be promoting choral singing in the face of Beatlemania.
The Clinton coterie is wringing its hands. Should she transform herself into an economic populist, as Paul Begala pleaded on Tuesday night? This would be a stretch, given her technocratic and elitist approach to health reform in 1993, her embarrassing vote for a credit card company-supported bankruptcy bill in 2001, among numerous other lapses. Besides, Obama already just leaped out in front of her with a resoundingly populist economic program on Wednesday.
Or should she reconfigure herself, untangle her triangulations, and attempt to appeal to the American people in some deep human way, with or without a tear or two? This, too, would take heavy lifting. Someone needs to tell her that there are better ways to signal conviction than by raising one's voice and drawing out the vowels, as in "I KNOW ..." and "I BELIEVE ..." The frozen smile has to go too, along with the metronymic nodding, which sometimes goes on long enough to suggest a placement within the autism spectrum.
But I don't think any tweakings of the candidate or her message will work, and not because Obama-mania is an occult force or a kind of mass hysteria. Let's take seriously what he offers, which is "change." The promise of "change" is what drives the Obama juggernaut, and "change" means wanting out of wherever you are now. It can even mean wanting out so badly that you don't much care, as in the case of the Ron Paul voters cited above, exactly what that change will be. In reality, there's no mystery about the direction in which Obama might take us: He's written a breathtakingly honest autobiography; he has a long legislative history, and now, a meaty economic program. But no one checks the weather before leaping out of a burning building.
Consider our present situation. Thanks to Iraq and water-boarding, Abu Ghraib and the "rendering" of terror suspects, we've achieved the moral status of a pariah nation. The seas are rising. The dollar is sinking. A growing proportion of Americans have no access to health care; an estimated 18,000 die every year for lack of health insurance. Now, as the economy staggers into recession, the financial analysts are wondering only whether the rest of the world is sufficiently "de-coupled" from the US economy to survive our demise.
Clinton can put forth all the policy proposals she likes - and many of them are admirable ones - but anyone can see that she's of the same generation and even one of the same families that got us into this checkmate situation in the first place. True, some people miss Bill, although the nostalgia was severely undercut by his anti-Obama rhetoric in South Carolina, or maybe they just miss the internet bubble he happened to preside over. But even more people find dynastic successions distasteful, especially when it's a dynasty that produced so little by way of concrete improvements in our lives. Whatever she does, the semiotics of her campaign boils down to two words - "same old."
Obama is different, really different, and that in itself represents "change." A Kenyan-Kansan with roots in Indonesia and multiracial Hawaii, he seems to be the perfect answer to the bumper sticker that says, "I love you America, but isn't it time to start seeing other people?" As conservative commentator Andrew Sullivan has written, Obama's election could mean the re-branding of America. An anti-war black president with an Arab-sounding name: See, we're not so bad after all, world!
So yes, there's a powerful emotional component to Obama-mania, and not just because he's a far more inspiring speaker than his rival. We, perhaps white people especially, look to him for atonement and redemption. All of us, of whatever race, want a fresh start. That's what "change" means right now: Get us out of here!

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2008

El Discurso del método. Fragmento

El buen sentido es lo que mejor repartido está entre todo el mundo, pues cada cual piensa que posee tan buena provisión de él, que aun los más descontentadizos respecto a cualquier otra cosa, no suelen apetecer más del que ya tienen. En lo cual no es verosímil que todos se engañen, sino que más bien esto demuestra que la facultad de juzgar y distinguir lo verdadero de lo falso, que es propiamente lo que llamamos buen sentido o razón, es naturalmente igual en todos los hombres; y, por lo tanto, que la diversidad de nuestras opiniones no proviene de que unos sean más razonables que otros, sino tan sólo de que dirigimos nuestros pensamientos por derroteros diferentes y no consideramos las mismas cosas. No basta, en efecto, tener el ingenio bueno; lo principal es aplicarlo bien. Las almas más grandes son capaces de los mayores vicios, como de las mayores virtudes; y los que andan muy despacio pueden llegar mucho más lejos, si van siempre por el camino recto, que los que corren, pero se apartan de él

DESNUDA (Pablo Neruda)

Desnuda eres tan simple como una de tus manos,
Lisa, terrestre, mínima, redonda, transparente,
Tienes líneas de luna, caminos de manzana,
Desnuda eres delgada como el trigo desnudo.
Desnuda eres azul como la noche en Cuba,
Tienes enredaderas y estrellas en el pelo,
Desnuda eres enorme y amarilla
Como el verano en una iglesia de oro.
Desnuda eres pequeña como una de tus uñas,
Curva, sutil, rosada hasta que nace el día
Y te metes en el subterráneo del mundo
Como en un largo túnel de trajes y trabajos:
Tu claridad se apaga, se viste, se deshoja
Y otra vez vuelve a ser una mano desnuda.


Si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida.

En la próxima trataría de cometer más errores.

No intentaría ser tan perfecto, me relajaría más.

Sería más tonto de lo que he sido, de hecho tomaría muy pocas cosas con seriedad.

Sería menos higiénico.

Correría más riesgos, haría más viajes, contemplaría más atardeceres, subiría más montañas, nadaría más ríos.

Iría a más lugares adonde nunca he ido, comería más helados y menos habas, tendría más problemas reales y menos imaginarios.

Yo fui una de esas personas que vivió sensata y prolíficamente cada minuto de su vida: claro que tuve momentos de alegría.

Pero si pudiera volver atrás trataría de tener solamente buenos momentos.

Por si no lo saben, de eso está hecha la vida sólo de momentos; no te pierdas el ahora.

Yo era uno de esos que nunca iban a ninguna parte sin un termómetro, una bolsa de agua caliente, un paraguas y paracaídas; si pudiera volver a vivir, viajaría más liviano.

Si pudiera volver a vivir comenzaría a andar descalzo a principios de la primavera y seguiría así hasta concluir el otoño.

Daría más vueltas en calesita, contemplaría más amaneceres y jugaría más con los niños, si tuviera otra vez la vida por delante.

Pero ya ven, tengo 85 años y sé que me estoy muriendo.